Hi! How are you today? This post is about our Family Day Celebration last Saturday at my daughter's school. It was a perfect timing for me to spend quality time with my daughter because I was busy the past few weeks with my work and haven't had a bonding time with her in a while.
We left home at 8am to participate in the motorcade but to our surprise, the program is about to start when we arrive and the motorcade was over. Oh my! (Next time I'll ask for a Programme a day before!) So Jaja(my child) hurried to go back stage for they will sing the National Anthem.
This is our Official T-Shirt for the Grade One Team. |
The organizers and teachers prepared parlor games, quiz bowl and talent showcases that we all enjoyed with the kids. We also shared a sumptuous lunch. We shared our food to everyone. I brought fruit salad for I know most of them will bring viands.
So to sum it all up, the program went well and indeed a very memorable experience sharing thoughts and laughter with the other parents. We didn't win the over-all champion though, but its okay, we enjoyed it as much as the winners do. Here are some photos of the event. Have a nice day!
Jaja and her Classmates practicing the National Anthem a day before. |
My Teamates decorating our Parachute Tent. |
Jaja pinned to me a button pin while singing "Thanks To You" as a surprise for their Parents. |
This is the prize of being a single parent, you may get twice the work, twice the responsibility and twice the sacrifices but then you also get twice the Love, twice the Care and twice the Joy. <3 |
Other parent in action..!
The Headstart Pupils conducted a play about the "Three Little Pigs". They're so cute! | | | | | |
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